This KidVid Fantasy short film was written and produced as a part of the 168 Film Project in 2017. During the speed film competition each producer has a week (168 hours aka 7 days) to film, edit and submit. The film must be based on the yearly theme (The Love of the Father) and the assigned (picked) verse (Luke 12:32) given at the start of pre-production. This short film was directed by a sixteen (16) year old first time Director.
KidVids are stories for younger audiences. The producer chooses the age range for their film. Films may be live action, animations, musicals, or any genre appropriate to the target audience. As a non-speed film, production may start as soon as fees are paid. Producers will choose a foundational Bible verse related to the annual theme. Turn-in date is the same as Signature films. KidVids compete in their own category with a length of 5-minutes or less.
Watch the Making of “Fork” – Behind the Scenes here.